> Judges Education Section
JUDGES BE JUDGED, PART 2Graham Mabbutt, Cynologist and author of "A Passion For Dogs, A Journey Of Discovery"
The world’s most revered dog-people contribute their knowledge and overarching love for dogs through the NetPlaces Network. Graham was among the most humble and authentic “dog men” we’ve ever known. His column is a re-read for all dog show judges AND breeders. In his clear but understated way, Graham explains how to deal with incorrect form...
Click here if you missed Part One; Judge And Be Judged
Here we deal with flat rib cages, loaded shoulders, narrow fronts, the lumbar spine downward bend, overangulation, oversize, soft ears and overly long tails.
In the first Judge And Be Judged {Ref # 1}, we discussed condoned defects that are prevalent in the show ring to-day. To name a few, deep slab-sided rib cages, steep shoulders with narrow fronts, lumbar spine downward bend, over angulation, oversize, big sometimes soft ears and overly long tails which are an encumbrance in the working dog.
Such defects, along with an obsession for the flying trot with its expansive side reach, are to the detriment of sound movement and endurance, inevitably obscuring breed direction.
Here I would point out breeding for exaggeration can only lead to over-exaggeration.
The return to The G.S.D. that is moderate in anatomical form, for most people who call themselves breed enthusiasts is incomprehensible and unimaginable. For them a curved back is desirable, over angulation of the hindquarters normal, moderate hind angulation abnormal, and close-stepping wobbly cow hocks caused by over angulation characteristic of the breed.
In answer to the obvious question posed ‘What then is to be done’? lies in correct judging which abhors exaggeration. Further to that, the breed as a whole must bridge the gap between ‘show’ and ‘work’ which now exists, the analogy of the old fashioned, three-legged milking stool must be ever in their minds. The seat being type, (e.g. What makes a German Shepherd a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler a Rottweiler) and the three legs supporting the seat in perfect balance.
First, character, second, soundness (including longevity), thirdly, working aptitude (i.e. tasks to assist man).
Breed progress can be monitored best through accredited assessors observing litters as a whole, at 49 days old. Then as individuals for inherited good character and working aptitude in a place unknown to them exposing them to unusual play stimuli, (note that it is only inherited, not made traits, that can be passed on in a breeding programme) and assess again at ten to 14 month of age.
Regarding ‘bite-work’ which can arguably be taught more easily to nervous cowardly dogs though the association of the exercise and winning making them pseudo dominant in the process. Such dogs off lead with an avenue of escape open to them are cast adrift as a boat without a rudder.
After environment, ownership, handling and teaching will have influenced what one sees. Note each aspect of the assessment further proved these days by video, in an official file attached to their pedigree. Remembering it is living with the dog as a companion and what you see with your own eyes that really counts rather than pictorial and paper records. However so far as pedigrees can be trusted they play a part especially in the first two generations and in particular, the bottom bitch line, known as the foundation line.
To conclude, if we are to prevent the breed’s slide into obscurity through a character which is effete, subject to both veterinary and bodily defects and no longer worthy of being called a family companion working dog, the answer does not lie in what is called compensatory-breeding, i.e. breeding extremes to opposites. The over-excitable and sharp, (i.e. alert to every sight and sound, quick to react) mated to the dull and placid does not work.
There is only one axiom, breed incorrect to what is correct, remembering it takes two to tango. By so doing the undesirable can be eradicated and near-excellence EST 2005 © Oct 2019
Part 1 by Graham Mabbutt: {1} Judges Be Judged-Prt 1
Sadly, Graham Mabbutt passed away January 4th, 2022, he will be missed, see his private/family Order Of Service provided by his son Clive.
The Ring Steward says "Go back to the Judges Education Section!" We invite Judges to learn from more than a Seminar providing approved judging seminars with photographic examples of movement, structure, and breed type plus breed mentors to assist by email or phone. Courtesy NetPlaces Network, World's First Online Purebred Dog Information
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