TheJudgesPlace.com provides online judging seminars with photos and video examples of movement, structure and correct breed type.
If you are an AKC Judge or Breed Mentor who would like to contribute to this section, email
Dogs were domesticated in 13000 BC, the 1st pedigreed dog show was 1859...

Told by a dog show judge old enough to share accurate history.

Multi-group AKC judge for 30 years shares useful tips and observations for aspiring judges.
International judge on how we deal with faulty temperament, structural or movement faults.

Your responses on how you feel about how
judging has changed over the last 2 years?

Pictorial examples and explanation of movement in the GSD apply to all breeds!
Dumb dog? Are canines incapable of ‘thinking’ or is this proof scientists are thick-headed and intellectually blind? Tell us what you think.
Nature's script; breeders evolve a better dog judges judge better and neither creates a platypus.

GSD and Golden Retriever photos show how canine body type has evolved through show ring and breeding selection, by All-Breed, Seiger and AKC judge.
Scent work should and can be done with live rats, proper praise, encouragement and courage of participants… lavishly illustrated!
Top breeders share insight on the most important features and common faults.
Conformation: Akita Club Of America Judges Guide, 16 top winner photos.
Judges Seminar Guidebook illustrates points of breed type.
Every one of them is so darn cute, type varies, but the first thing to look for is...
What is the single most important breed feature and the most common fault judges should note?
What Makes a Mini Mighty? Not size. Not weight.
Legendary breeder-judge shares her insight, photos, and eye for the breed.
Not to be confused with the Parson or Jack Russell Terrier.
WKC generates as much speculation about judging as any event in the nation.
on AKC protocol for elderly or infirm judges.
Judge explains why the standout dog can be a loser.
This small addition to dog club contracts would preserve features of purebred type.
Only accurate application of the breed standard makes it expert opinion.
“Immersed in hounds" was a great experience at the 2013 ACEF Hound Group Institute for judges.
Patterson, Porterfield, Forsythe, Linton, and Martin respond.
Group judge's unique method of showcasing every dog.
To understand the Standard, you have to know the language.
Only a novice could ask if type or soundness is more important.
Pictorial report on six days of tough tests, speakers, and judges education.
Simple but critical guidelines for judges and the clubs that hire them.
Judges award it, breeders strive for it, and the public rejects it!
Group judge says changing standards to accommodate faults wreaks havoc.
This experiment shows why some judges have problems.
On judges fees and AKC's Solicitation Policy.
Tons of photos, applicable to all docked and/or cropped breeds.Your comments on Page Two
Expectations of a judge, exhibitor or breeder may differ.
Dog show judge and GSD authority on movement faults such as dragging back toes, high stepping front, buckling up the rear and more...
Small shows, small entries, and too many judges are a different experience as described by this popular Canadian Kennel Club judge.
Do the official breed standards represent the personality, style, and TYPE of the 2017-2018 current top winners? Your answers?
In part 1, this Judge says "One who awards a dog should have the same canine traits on which good character and working aptitude are founded".
Group judge says when judges let opinion affect their judging, it reflects personal preference, not the Breed Standard.
Judge-exhibitor offers intriguing insight on the judging process.
All breeds judge comments on judging style, excessive angulation in today’s GSD, and the unwritten Universal Standard.
The HSUS blow-up reminded me of the dog game past and present. There’s a lot of hanky-panky in this human universe and the dog world is no exception.
The dog that catches your eye is symmetrical, nothing out of place, look for that balance in every breed you judge.
Short-legged dogs achieve the suspended trot but this judge's 25 action photos show it is more for the crowd than the judge.
Skeletal detail; proportion, movement, by JEC Chair Kelley Maldon.
If it looks like a spotted Minpin, Toy Group judges need to look again...
Temperament: Approach, exam, and understanding aggressiveness.
9 points judges must know, like WHY they duck from overhand approach...
A pictorial discussion of the Chihuahua standard, from head, ears, and eyes to feet, coat and movement, Top Winner photos, analysis, makes judging a breeze.
Side-by-side comparisons of the Breed Standards, breeder interviews, etc.
AKC Rottweiler video committee chair, multi-breed judge on your vision...
This judge makes breed type come alive in this analysis for judges and breeders.
Weight, not height, determines purpose, as evident in breed photo size comparisons.
Felicia Luburich, Srigo Kennels shares photos of top champions and criteria for success in your breed.
The art of defining breed type in Working, Terrier, and Toy breeds.
Multi-Group Judge on uniformity of type, not exaggeration of bone, coat, wrinkles...
Multi-Group judge says selecting for extremes negates the standard.
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