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Dog Shows In The Canadian Kennel Clubby Gordon Garrett, B.A., CKC Judge (All-Breeds)
Small shows, small entries, and too many judges make for a different experience as described by this popular CKC judge.
A male English Setter went over the female a few times and finally I went over to the handler of the female and asked if they were from the same kennel, and she said no. Then I asked why the other dog kept beating her. She said, “It has a better top line and the female carries her ears flat.” Well actually, yes, the female had a better shoulder assembly determined from ring side by a longer neck and better reach in front, it didn’t have as high a wither but she did have a firm back, better balance, better rear angulation, and more proper movement from the side and coming.
There was a Great Dane there that won the Great Dane breed at Westminster Kennel Club, a couple of beautiful Boxers, a great Doberman Pinscher, really good Newfoundland and a Yorkshire Terrier that had won Best of Breed at the U.S. Yorkshire Terrier National Specialty from the classes. The Yorkie won the Group at this show and the owner let me go over it. It reminded me of the Yorkie from France I had seen in Cuba that moved like a German Shepherd.
At the Group and Best in Show level the animals were excellent. I was unimpressed with the 4 German Shepherds in the show. Shepherds stay away in Ontario. Is it small show rings, judges, or maybe because of the limited entry, or because they only go to specialties?
The CKC has some problems they should be addressing. At the limited entry shows handlers get their entries in early and long before the closing date so there are no more dogs accepted.
The present form of permit judging without any feedback on the permit Judge is obviously inadequate. I contend it is a form of the CKC denying their responsibility to the exhibitors of purebred dogs which is to provide capable Judges. That is tantamount to sending an applicant for a drivers license out with a car and without an inspector, and if they arrive back safely, issuing a license.
A video recording of every show, sent into the judges committee and analyzed would move towards improving the quality of our Canadian Judges. As one exhibitor said,” The American judges are much better.”
Is that because of more AKC shows? Bigger entries and more competition? Or better judges education? EST 2005 © Jul 2018
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