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By Linda D. Witouski, AKC Judge and Legislative Liaison


AKC rules state when Juniors are judged by an official AKC Judge, it is the quality of their presentation that is judged, not the dog.


The Junior Handling rules also state that a judge should know the standards of those breeds in the ring and proper presentation of same, i.e. examined on floor, table, or ramp. But then, AKC tossed in that qualifier that the mixed breeds must be registered (read that as income!) as the breed it closest resembles.



Junior Showmanship judges are not looking at the dog’s faults or virtues, they are supposed to judge the interaction between kid and dog. Personally, I have issues with those that enter the ring with a seasoned champion in which the dog shows the kid!


I'd rather see a youngster with a dog that is a little spunky and note how that kid deals with it to gain control of the dog. Junior Showmanship is about how the youngster performs and how well he or she presents the dog.  I believe it was in Maine - this little girl came in the ring with a dog she obviously had not had much opportunity to work with. The dog was determined to give her a hard time but she quickly had that dog doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing. She was outstanding. I gave her Best Handler ...she was so happy she cried..


I've been fortunate to judge 4H clubs that have dog classes and have seen first-hand the love these Junior handlers show for their dogs whether mixed breed or purebred. Imagine their excitement to be able to show off at AKC events. Many of these youngsters will become professional handlers or dog show judges and with internet and video there is no limit to the impact Junior Handler classes can have on youngsters around the world.



So, to answer the question, I have no problem with judging mixed breeds in Junior Handling. There are no Championship points and it is all about ability, showmanship, politeness, and comradery - the thrill of victory and agony of defeat - something desperately needed in these times for the kids. Something that makes us become more ways than one.


I would hope that more of our seasoned breeders and handlers will take an interest in these kids and groom them towards a rewarding future for themselves and for our dogs.


Mixed breed or purebred dog owner, it is the young dog lovers of today who insure the future our sport. What happens in the future of our sport/hobby is entirely dependent on what we do today.


Editor’s note: Ms. Witouski is known for her legislative leadership in fighting bad laws, here is something you may not know happened, (Posted by PFDC (Pennsylvania Federation Of Dog Clubs): The HSLF Presidential Endorsement - The Political Action Committee (PAC) of the Humane Society of the US (HSUS) is called the Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF). Here is a post from their website dated Tues, Oct. 6, 2020 - Today, the HSLF endorses Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris in their bid to lead the nation. Biden and Harris have established themselves as good faith actors in sponsoring and supporting animal protection legislation and policies through the years, and it’s easy to endorse them straight up on the basis of their records.


Related Articles and information: compiled Ridiculous, Outrageous and Wacky Laws ~ Beverly Vics' Junior Showmanship Life Lessons EST 2005 © Feb 2021

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